Jaime Angus Physiotherapy

Pelvic Health
Pelvic health physiotherapy treats pain, weakness and dysfunction in the pelvic floor muscles as well as the muscles and fascia in the pelvis, hips, back, thorax and rib-cage.
The pelvic floor plays a vital role in everyday health and well being. It is essential for helping to maintain urinary and fecal continence, supporting the pelvic organs, sexual pleasure, as well as stabilizing your core.
The pelvic floor also plays an integral part in labor and delivery.

Commonly Treated Conditions
Urinary Incontinence (Stress or Urge)
Fecal or gas incontinence
Prolapse (Bladder, uterus, rectum)
Pre-natal care (preparing pelvic floor for birth)
Post partum care (management of episiotomy scars, tears or c-sections)
Diastasis recti (abdominal separation)
Overactive Bladder
Bladder pain/Interstitial cystitis
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Genitourinary symptoms of menopause
Painful periods
Painful intercourse
Pelvic Pain
Gynecological cancer
Pre/Post surgery (Common surgeries include hysterectomy, prolapse repair, incontinence)
Coccydynia (tailbone pain)
Low back, sacroiliac, or hip pain

What to Expect at Your Visit
Your assessment starts with your story. A review of your description of your symptoms and concerns, medical and surgical history, your lifestyle, functional abilities (and limitations), social or emotional issues and your personal goals you would like to achieve with therapy. Specific questions depending on your issues may include:
Bladder habits
Bowel habits
Pelvic/hip/low back pain
Pain with intercourse
Pelvic pressure
Leakage of urine or stool
Menstrual history
These are very personal and sensitive questions for most; rest assured your comfort and consent are of the utmost importance.
The Physical Examination
The physical examination includes a whole-body assessment. The assessment will aim to find the underlying causes for pelvic pain and dysfunction to determine where to focus treatment.
Components will include:
Postural assessment
Breathing evaluation
Range of motion of the back and hips
Core strength assessment
Observations of the abdominal wall and perineum
An intravaginal and/or rectal examination of the perineum.
The methods used are always based on your comfort and consent. I will discuss all options with you during your assessment.
You should expect to come away from the assessment with knowledge of your condition and a treatment plan. You will be shown techniques to use at home for symptom reduction as well as suggestions for improving your posture and motor recruitment strategies.
Subsequent treatment will address all the deficits found in this initial assessment with the aim being to provide you with the knowledge and tools to improve your musculoskeletal, urological and/or sexual function.
Should you need, I often work closely with urologists, gynecologists, physiatrists, colorectal surgeons, family doctors, sexual health therapists and psychological counsellors in order to create a comprehensive treatment plan to restore health.